Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tequila Bar & Grill

Mexican Martini Real Gusto Tequila , Cointreau, lime juice, oj and Spanish olives. Too much olive juice, same bad lime juice, too much salt but still drinkable. (I can taste the tequila) Needs a little more sweetener like agave nectar or even simple syrup. 4/10

Tequila Bar & Grill

House Margarita Reposado Tequila, Triple Sec, Fresh Lime Juice and agave nectar. Too much lime taste and not enough tequila or triple sec. Taste like a bad lineage. 2/10

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Olive Garden

Italian Margarita: Sauza Gold Tequila, triple sec, orange juice, topped with italian amaretto. The amaretto comes n a seperate shot glass, so you know it is a fill shot. Good mix of liqueurs. 7/10

Saturday, November 8, 2014


House Mexican Martini. Too dirty, (too much olive juice), not enough sweetener (orange liqueur), not enough sweetness, (simple syrup). Average at best. 5/10


House Rita, 100% de Agave Tequila, frozen. Too tart, not enough tequila. Its O.K. 5/10